Welcome to TranSPHIRE’s documentation!

TranSPHIRE is an automated pre-processing tool designed for on-the-fly processing during data aquisition. It is an open source project published under the GPLv3 license and the code is available on GitHub.

TranSPHIRE coveres the inital steps of the Single Particle Analysis pipeline.


  • Motion correction (Outputs can be used to run particle polishing in Relion)
    • MotionCor2 - (Not free for commercial use, a license needs to be bought separately)
    • Unblur
  • CTF estimation
  • Particle picking
    • SPHIRE crYOLO - (Not free for commercial use, a license needs to be bought separately)
  • Particle extraction


Feedback loop

Additionally, TranSPHIRE implements a new Feedback loop that automatically re-trains and therefore adapts the model used for particle picking to the data set at hand.

  1. Particle picking
  2. Particle extraction
  3. Wait for a number of extracted particles to accumulate
  4. 2D classification
  5. 2D class selection
  6. Class member extraction
  7. Re-training of the picking model
  8. 1. with the re-trained model

Hardware recommendations

Hardware recommendations can be found at the Hardware recommendations page.


The installation instructions can be found at the Installation page.


The tutorial can be found at the Tutorial page.


If you want to contribute to the TranSPHIRE project, please checkout the How to contribute page.


TranSPHIRE is an open source project published under the GPLv3 license.

Code availability

The source code is available on GitHub.



Main paper: Stabrin, M., Schoenfeld, F., Wagner, T. et al. TranSPHIRE: automated and feedback-optimized on-the-fly processing for cryo-EM. Nat Commun 11, 5716 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-19513-2

Please also properly cite the individual tools that you used during the TranSPHIRE run.

Indices and tables