Source code for transphire.transphire_picking

    TranSPHIRE is supposed to help with the cryo-EM data collection
    Copyright (C) 2017 Markus Stabrin

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import json
import os
import imageio
import numpy as np

from . import transphire_utils as tu

[docs]def get_picking_command(file_input, new_name, settings, queue_com, name): """ Create the picking command based on the picking software. file_input - Input name of the file for ctf estimation new_name - Output file settings - TranSPHIRE settings queue_com - Queue for communication name - Name of process Returns: Picking command File to check vor validation if the process was successful """ picking_name = settings['Copy']['Picking'] command = None block_gpu = None gpu_list = None if tu.is_higher_version(picking_name, '1.4.1'): command, gpu = create_cryolo_v1_4_1_command( picking_name=picking_name, file_input=file_input, file_output=new_name, settings=settings, name=name, ) check_files = [] if '_' in gpu: if float(settings[picking_name]['--gpu_fraction']) == 1: raise UserWarning('Sub GPUs are only supported if the --gpu_fraction option is not equal 1') block_gpu = True else: block_gpu = True gpu_list = gpu.split() elif tu.is_higher_version(picking_name, '1.1'): command, gpu = create_cryolo_v1_1_0_command( picking_name=picking_name, file_input=file_input, file_output=new_name, settings=settings, name=name, ) if '_' in gpu: raise UserWarning('Sub GPUs are only supported in crYOLO version >=1.4.1') check_files = [] block_gpu = True gpu_list = gpu.split() elif tu.is_higher_version(picking_name, '1.0'): command, gpu = create_cryolo_v1_0_4_command( picking_name=picking_name, file_input=file_input, file_output=new_name, settings=settings, name=name, ) if '_' in gpu: raise UserWarning('Sub GPUs are only supported in crYOLO version >=1.4.1') check_files = [] block_gpu = True gpu_list = gpu.split() else: message = '\n'.join([ '{0}: Not known!'.format(settings['Copy']['Picking']), 'Please contact the TranSPHIRE authors!' ]) queue_com['error'].put( message, name ) IOError(message) assert command is not None, 'command not specified: {0}'.format(picking_name) assert block_gpu is not None, 'block_gpu not specified: {0}'.format(picking_name) assert gpu_list is not None, 'gpu_list not specified: {0}'.format(picking_name) return command, check_files, block_gpu, gpu_list
[docs]def find_logfiles(root_path, file_name, settings, queue_com, name): """ Find logfiles related to the produced CTF files. root_path - Root path of the file file_name - File name of the ctf file. settings - TranSPHIRE settings queue_com - Queue for communication name - Name of process Returns: list of log files """ folder_name = 'picking_folder_feedback_{0}'.format(settings['do_feedback_loop'].value) log_files = None copied_log_files = None picking_name = settings['Copy']['Picking'] picking_root_path = os.path.join(settings[folder_name], file_name) if tu.is_higher_version(picking_name, '1.4.1'): if settings[picking_name]['--filament'] == 'True': folder_names = ( ('EMAN_HELIX_SEGMENTED', 'box'), ('EMAN_START_END', 'box'), ('STAR_START_END', 'star'), ) else: folder_names = ( ('CBOX', 'cbox'), ('EMAN', 'box'), ('STAR', 'star'), ) copied_log_files = [] for folder_name, ext in folder_names: copied_log_files.extend(['{0}.{1}'.format(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(picking_root_path), folder_name, os.path.basename(picking_root_path) ), ext, )]) log_files = copied_log_files elif tu.is_higher_version(picking_name, '1.2.2'): if settings[picking_name]['--filament'] == 'True': folder_names = ( ('EMAN_HELIX_SEGMENTED', 'box'), ('EMAN_START_END', 'box'), ('STAR_START_END', 'star'), ) else: folder_names = ( ('EMAN', 'box'), ('STAR', 'star'), ) copied_log_files = [] for folder_name, ext in folder_names: copied_log_files.extend(['{0}.{1}'.format(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(picking_root_path), folder_name, os.path.basename(picking_root_path) ), ext, )]) log_files = copied_log_files elif tu.is_higher_version(picking_name, '1.2.1'): copied_log_files = ['{0}.box'.format(picking_root_path)] log_files = copied_log_files elif tu.is_higher_version(picking_name, '1.1.0'): if settings[picking_name]['--filament'] == 'True': copied_log_files = ['{0}.txt'.format(picking_root_path)] else: copied_log_files = ['{0}.box'.format(picking_root_path)] log_files = copied_log_files elif tu.is_higher_version(picking_name, '1.0.4'): copied_log_files = ['{0}.box'.format(picking_root_path)] log_files = copied_log_files else: message = '\n'.join([ '{0}: Not known!'.format(settings['Copy']['Picking']), 'Please contact the TranSPHIRE authors!' ]) queue_com['error'].put( message, name ) raise IOError(message) assert log_files is not None assert copied_log_files is not None return log_files, copied_log_files
[docs]def create_filter_command( file_input, settings ): picking_name = settings['Copy']['Picking'] command = [] block_gpu = False gpu_list = [] folder_name = 'picking_folder_feedback_{0}'.format(settings['do_feedback_loop'].value) file_output_tmp = file_input try: do_filter = bool(settings[picking_name]['Filter micrographs'] == 'True') except KeyError: do_filter = False if do_filter: filter_high = float(settings[picking_name]['Filter value high pass (A)']) filter_low = float(settings[picking_name]['Filter value low pass (A)']) pixel_size = float(settings[picking_name]['Pixel size (A/px)']) filter_high_abs = pixel_size / filter_high filter_low_abs = pixel_size / filter_low file_output_tmp = os.path.join( settings[folder_name], os.path.basename(file_input) ) command.append("PATH=$(dirname $(which {0})):${{PATH}}".format(settings['Path'][''])) command.append('{0}'.format(settings['Path'][''])) command.append('{0}'.format(file_input)) command.append('{0}'.format(file_output_tmp)) command.append('--process=filter.lowpass.gauss:cutoff_freq={0}'.format(filter_low_abs)) command.append('--process=filter.highpass.gauss:cutoff_freq={0}'.format(filter_high_abs)) command.append(';') file_output_jpg = os.path.join( settings[folder_name], '{0}.png'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_input))[0]) ) command.append("PATH=$(dirname $(which {0})):${{PATH}}".format(settings['Path'][''])) command.append('{0}'.format(settings['Path'][''])) command.append('{0}'.format(file_output_tmp)) command.append('{0}'.format(file_output_jpg)) command.append('--meanshrink=4') command.append('--outmode=uint8') check_files = [file_output_tmp, file_output_jpg] return ' '.join(command), file_output_tmp, check_files, block_gpu, gpu_list
[docs]def create_cryolo_v1_4_1_command( picking_name, file_input, file_output, settings, name ): """Create the crYOLO v1.1.0 command""" command = [] # Start the program ignore_list = [] ignore_list.append('--filament') ignore_list.append('Filter micrographs') ignore_list.append('Filter value high pass (A)') ignore_list.append('Filter value low pass (A)') ignore_list.append('Pixel size (A/px)') ignore_list.append('Box size') ignore_list.append('Split Gpu?') ignore_list.append('--gpu') ignore_list.append('--threshold') ignore_list.append('--threshold_old') ignore_list.append('--weights_old') ignore_list.append('Lowest defocus percent') ignore_list.append('Minimum micrographs') ignore_list.append('Minimum particles') ignore_list.append('Mean percent') command.append('{0}'.format(settings['Path'][picking_name])) command.append('-i') command.append('{0}'.format(' '.join(file_input))) command.append('-o') command.append('{0}'.format(file_output)) command.append('--write_empty') command.append('--threshold={0}'.format( settings[picking_name]['--threshold'] if float(settings[picking_name]['--threshold']) != -1 else 0.1 )) ignore_list.append('--nomerging') ignore_list.append('--nosplit') if settings[picking_name]['--filament'] == 'True': command.append('--filament') if settings[picking_name]['--nomerging'] == 'True': command.append('--nomerging') if settings[picking_name]['--nosplit'] == 'True': command.append('--nosplit') else: ignore_list.append('--filament_width') ignore_list.append('--box_distance') ignore_list.append('--minimum_number_boxes') ignore_list.append('--mask_width') ignore_list.append('--search_range_factor') if settings[picking_name]['Split Gpu?'] == 'True': try: gpu_id = int(name.split('_')[-1]) except ValueError: gpu_id = 0 try: gpu_raw = settings[picking_name]['--gpu'].split()[gpu_id] except IndexError: raise UserWarning('There are less gpus provided than threads available! Please restart with the same number of pipeline processors as GPUs provided and restart! Stopping this thread!') else: gpu_raw = settings[picking_name]['--gpu'] gpu = ' '.join(list(set([entry.split('_')[0] for entry in gpu_raw.split()]))) if len(gpu.split()) != len(gpu_raw.split()) and settings[picking_name]['Split Gpu?'] == 'False': raise UserWarning('One cannot use multi GPU in combination with the disabled Split GPU option!') command.append('--gpu') command.append('{0}'.format(gpu)) for key, value in settings[picking_name].items(): if key in ignore_list: continue elif value: try: if '|||' in value: external_log, local_key = value.split('|||') with open(settings[external_log], 'r') as read: log_data = json.load(read) try: set_value = log_data[settings['current_set']][picking_name][local_key]['new_file'] except KeyError: continue else: set_value = value except TypeError: set_value = value command.append(key) command.append('{0}'.format(set_value)) return ' '.join(command), gpu_raw
[docs]def create_cryolo_v1_1_0_command( picking_name, file_input, file_output, settings, name ): """Create the crYOLO v1.1.0 command""" command = [] # Start the program ignore_list = [] ignore_list.append('--filament') ignore_list.append('Filter micrographs') ignore_list.append('Filter value high pass (A)') ignore_list.append('Filter value low pass (A)') ignore_list.append('Pixel size (A/px)') ignore_list.append('Box size') ignore_list.append('Split Gpu?') ignore_list.append('--gpu') command.append('{0}'.format(settings['Path'][picking_name])) command.append('-i') command.append('{0}'.format(' '.join(file_input))) command.append('-o') command.append('{0}'.format(file_output)) command.append('--write_empty') if settings[picking_name]['--filament'] == 'True': command.append('--filament') else: ignore_list.append('--filament_width') ignore_list.append('--box_distance') ignore_list.append('--minimum_number_boxes') if settings[picking_name]['Split Gpu?'] == 'True': try: gpu_id = int(name.split('_')[-1])-1 except ValueError: gpu_id = 0 try: gpu = settings[picking_name]['--gpu'].split()[gpu_id] except IndexError: raise UserWarning('There are less gpus provided than threads available! Please restart with the same number of pipeline processors as GPUs provided and restart! Stopping this thread!') else: gpu = settings[picking_name]['--gpu'] command.append('--gpu') command.append('{0}'.format(gpu)) for key, value in settings[picking_name].items(): if key in ignore_list: continue elif value: try: if '|||' in value: external_log, local_key = value.split('|||') with open(settings[external_log], 'r') as read: log_data = json.load(read) try: set_value = log_data[settings['current_set']][picking_name][local_key]['new_file'] except KeyError: continue else: set_value = value except TypeError: set_value = value command.append(key) command.append('{0}'.format(set_value)) return ' '.join(command), gpu
[docs]def create_cryolo_v1_0_4_command( picking_name, file_input, file_output, settings, name ): """Create the crYOLO v1.0.4 command""" command = [] # Start the program ignore_list = [] ignore_list.append('Filter micrographs') ignore_list.append('Filter value high pass (A)') ignore_list.append('Filter value low pass (A)') ignore_list.append('Pixel size (A/px)') ignore_list.append('Box size') ignore_list.append('Split Gpu?') ignore_list.append('--gpu') command.append('{0}'.format(settings['Path'][picking_name])) command.append('-i') command.append('{0}'.format(' '.join(file_input))) command.append('-o') command.append('{0}'.format(file_output)) command.append('--write_empty') if settings[picking_name]['Split Gpu?'] == 'True': try: gpu_id = int(name.split('_')[-1])-1 except ValueError: gpu_id = 0 try: gpu = settings[picking_name]['--gpu'].split()[gpu_id] except IndexError: raise UserWarning('There are less gpus provided than threads available! Please restart with the same number of pipeline processors as GPUs provided and restart! Stopping this thread!') else: gpu = settings[picking_name]['--gpu'] command.append('--gpu') command.append('{0}'.format(gpu)) for key, value in settings[picking_name].items(): if key in ignore_list: continue elif value: try: if '|||' in value: external_log, local_key = value.split('|||') with open(settings[external_log], 'r') as read: log_data = json.load(read) try: set_value = log_data[settings['current_set']][picking_name][local_key]['new_file'] except KeyError: continue else: set_value = value except TypeError: set_value = value command.append(key) command.append('{0}'.format(set_value)) return ' '.join(command), gpu
@tu.rerun_function_in_case_of_error def create_box_jpg(file_name, settings, queue_com, name): """ Create jpg files that are overlayed with the box coordinate file_name - Name of the file to overlay. settings - Transphire settings. queue_com - Dictionary for communication. name - Thread name Return: It creates a file. """ folder_name = 'picking_folder_feedback_{0}'.format(settings['do_feedback_loop'].value) picking_name = settings['Copy']['Picking'] box_file = [entry for entry in find_logfiles(file_name, file_name, settings, queue_com, name)[0] if entry.endswith('.box') and '/EMAN_START_END/' not in entry][0] jpg_file = os.path.join(settings[folder_name], '{0}.png'.format(file_name)) new_jpg_file = os.path.join(settings[folder_name], 'jpg', '{0}.jpg'.format(file_name)) tu.mkdir_p(os.path.join(settings[folder_name], 'jpg')) box_data = np.atleast_2d(np.genfromtxt(box_file).astype(int)) jpg_data = imageio.imread(jpg_file, as_gray=False, pilmode='RGB') bin_value = 4 if box_data.size > 0: if box_file.endswith('.box'): try: box_data[:, 0] += box_data[:, 2]//2 box_data[:, 1] += box_data[:, 3]//2 except IndexError: pass elif box_file.endswith('.txt'): pass else: assert 'Box ending not known!', box_file box_data[:, 0] = box_data[:, 0]//bin_value box_data[:, 1] = box_data[:, 1]//bin_value jpg_data = np.rot90(jpg_data, 3) create_box(jpg_data=jpg_data, maskcenters=box_data[:,[0,1]], box_size=int(settings[picking_name]['Box size'])//bin_value) create_circle(jpg_data=jpg_data, maskcenters=box_data[:,[0,1]], radius=2) jpg_data = np.rot90(jpg_data, 1) else: pass imageio.imwrite(new_jpg_file, jpg_data)
[docs]def create_box(jpg_data, maskcenters, box_size): output_shape = (jpg_data.shape[0],jpg_data.shape[1]) rect_mask = np.zeros((box_size, box_size)) for i in range(2): rect_mask[:, i] = 1 rect_mask[:, -i-1] = 1 rect_mask[i, :] = 1 rect_mask[-i-1, :] = 1 idx_mask_x, idx_mask_y = np.where(rect_mask) out = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=bool) idx_mask_x_abs = maskcenters[:, None, 0] + idx_mask_x - box_size//2 idx_mask_y_abs = maskcenters[:, None, 1] + idx_mask_y - box_size//2 valid_mask = (idx_mask_x_abs >= 0) & (idx_mask_x_abs < output_shape[0]) & \ (idx_mask_y_abs >= 0) & (idx_mask_y_abs < output_shape[1]) out[idx_mask_x_abs[valid_mask], idx_mask_y_abs[valid_mask]] = 1 jpg_data[out, :] = np.array([255, 0, 0])
[docs]def create_circle(jpg_data, maskcenters, radius): """ Create a circle in a numpy array Arguments: jpg_data - Data that needs to be changed maskcenters - center of mask radius - Radius of the circle Returns: None, jpg_data will be changed in-place """ output_shape = (jpg_data.shape[0],jpg_data.shape[1]) X,Y = [np.arange(-radius, radius+1)]*2 disk_mask = X[:, None]**2 + Y**2 <= radius*radius idx_mask_x, idx_mask_y = np.where(disk_mask) out = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=bool) idx_mask_x_abs = maskcenters[:, None, 0] + idx_mask_x - radius idx_mask_y_abs = maskcenters[:, None, 1] + idx_mask_y - radius valid_mask = (idx_mask_x_abs >= 0) & (idx_mask_x_abs < output_shape[0]) & \ (idx_mask_y_abs >= 0) & (idx_mask_y_abs < output_shape[1]) out[idx_mask_x_abs[valid_mask], idx_mask_y_abs[valid_mask]] = 1 jpg_data[out, :] = np.array([255, 0, 0])