Source code for transphire.settingscontainer

    TranSPHIRE is supposed to help with the cryo-EM data collection
    Copyright (C) 2017 Markus Stabrin

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import glob
import os
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QScrollArea, QLabel
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal

from . import transphire_utils as tu

[docs]class SettingsContainer(QWidget): """ Widget for setting widgets. Inherits: QWidget """ sig_change_use_movie = pyqtSignal(int) sig_adjust_tab = pyqtSignal(object, str) def __init__(self, content, name, global_dict, settings_folder, mount_worker, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Initialise layout of the widget. Arguments: content - Content for the widget max_widgets - Maximum widgets per column parent - Parent widget (default None) Returns: None """ super(SettingsContainer, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent = name self.global_dict = None self.input_file_names = [] try: content_others = kwargs['content_others'] except KeyError: content_others = None try: content_mount = kwargs['content_mount'] self.content_mount = {} for entry in content_mount: for widget in entry: for key in widget: if key == 'Mount name': current_name = widget[key][0] if key == 'Typ': if widget[key][0] == 'Import': self.content_mount[current_name] = os.path.join(settings_folder, current_name).replace(' ', '_') except KeyError: self.content_mount = None # TabDocker widget for Main and Advanced my_tab_docker = TabDocker(self) my_tab_docker.setTabPosition('South') my_tab_docker.tab_widget.setObjectName('bot') layout_main = QVBoxLayout(self) layout_main.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout_dict = { 'Main_count': 0, 'Advanced_count': 0, 'Rare_count': 0, } important_note = '' for entry in content: for widget in entry: for key in widget: if key == 'WIDGETS MAIN': self.layout_dict['Main_max'] = int(widget[key][0]) elif key == 'WIDGETS ADVANCED': self.layout_dict['Advanced_max'] = int(widget[key][0]) elif key == 'WIDGETS RARE': self.layout_dict['Rare_max'] = int(widget[key][0]) elif key == 'IMPORTANT': important_note = widget[key][0] else: self.layout_dict['{}_count'.format(widget[key][1]['widget_2'])] += 1 continue if important_note: important_widget = QLabel(important_note) important_widget.setObjectName('important') layout_main.addWidget(important_widget) layout_main.addWidget(my_tab_docker) for dict_name in ['Main', 'Advanced', 'Rare']: widget = QWidget(self) widget.setObjectName('settings') self.layout_dict[dict_name] = QHBoxLayout(widget) self.layout_dict[dict_name].setContentsMargins(3, 3, 3, 3) self.layout_dict[dict_name].addStretch(1) self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(dict_name)] = None self.layout_dict['{0}_idx'.format(dict_name)] = 0 scroll_area = QScrollArea(my_tab_docker) scroll_area.setWidgetResizable(True) scroll_area.setWidget(widget) my_tab_docker.add_tab(scroll_area, '{}: {}'.format(dict_name, self.layout_dict['{}_count'.format(dict_name)])) # Global content self.content = {} = {} # Add to layout for entry in content: for widget in entry: for key in widget: if key == 'WIDGETS MAIN' or key == 'WIDGETS ADVANCED' or key == 'WIDGETS RARE' or key == 'IMPORTANT': continue layout_name = widget[key][1]['widget_2'] widget_name = widget[key][1]['name'] group = widget[key][1]['group'] if self.layout_dict['{0}_idx'.format(layout_name)] % self.layout_dict['{0}_max'.format(layout_name)] == 0: if self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)] is not None: self.layout_dict[layout_name].addWidget(Separator(typ='vertical', color='lightgrey')) self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)].addStretch(1) else: pass self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)] = QVBoxLayout() self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)].setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout_dict[layout_name].addLayout(self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)]) settings_widget = SettingsWidget( content=widget[key], name=name, content_others=content_others, mount_directory=mount_worker.mount_directory, global_dict=global_dict, input_file_names=self.input_file_names, parent=self ) if == 'Copy': try: settings_widget.edit.currentTextChanged.connect(self.prepare_send_adjust) except AttributeError: pass if widget[key][1]['name'] == 'Use movies': try: settings_widget.edit.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.sig_change_use_movie.emit) except AttributeError: pass if group and name not in ('Pipeline'): group, state = group.split(':'), [])[group].append([settings_widget, state, widget_name]) self.content[widget_name] = settings_widget self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)].addWidget(settings_widget) self.layout_dict['{0}_idx'.format(layout_name)] += 1 for key in self.content[key].sig_index_changed.connect(self.change_state) self.change_state(name=key) for dict_name in ['Main', 'Advanced', 'Rare']: try: self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(dict_name)].addStretch(1) self.layout_dict[dict_name].addStretch(1) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def emit_signals(self): for key in self.content: try: self.content[key].edit.currentTextChanged.emit( self.content[key].edit.currentText() ) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] @pyqtSlot(str) def prepare_send_adjust(self, text): self.sig_adjust_tab.emit(self.sender(), text)
[docs] @pyqtSlot(str) def change_state(self, name): """ Change the state of widgets based on the choice of the corresponding combo box name - Name of the group to change status (Emitted by the combo box) Returns: None """ try: for entry in[name]: widget = entry[0] state = entry[1] sub_name = entry[2] if not self.content[name].isEnabled(): widget.setEnabled(False) elif self.content[name].edit.currentText() == state: widget.setEnabled(True) else: widget.setEnabled(False) self.change_state(name=sub_name) except KeyError: return None
[docs] def get_input_names(self): return self.input_file_names
[docs] def get_settings(self, quiet=False): """ Get the settings as dict Arguments: quiet - If True, no prints are executed Returns: Settings as dictionary """ settings = {} error = False for key in self.content: dictionary = self.content[key].get_settings(quiet=quiet) if dictionary is None: error = True else: settings.update(dictionary) if == 'Copy': new_key = '{0}_entries'.format(key.replace(' ', '_')) try: entries = self.content[key].get_combo_entries() except AttributeError: pass else: test_list = ['False', 'True'] if set(test_list) == set(entries): continue elif 'Symlink' in entries: continue settings[new_key] = self.content[key].get_combo_entries() else: pass if error: return None else: return [settings]
[docs] def set_design(self, settings): """ Set settings to the widgets Arguments: settings - Settings to set. Returns: None """ # Clear old layout design for dict_name in ['Main', 'Advanced', 'Rare']: self.layout_dict['{0}_max'.format(dict_name)] = int(settings['WIDGETS {0}'.format(dict_name.upper())]) self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(dict_name)] = None self.layout_dict['{0}_idx'.format(dict_name)] = 0 for idx in reversed(range(self.layout_dict[dict_name].count())): item = self.layout_dict[dict_name].itemAt(idx) self.layout_dict[dict_name].removeItem(item) if isinstance(item, QVBoxLayout): for idx in reversed(range(item.count())): item2 = item.itemAt(idx) item.removeItem(item2) item.setParent(None) else: try: item.widget().setParent(None) except AttributeError: pass self.layout_dict[dict_name].addStretch(1) for key in settings: if key == 'WIDGETS MAIN' or key == 'WIDGETS ADVANCED' or key == 'WIDGETS RARE': continue layout_name = settings[key] try: widget = self.content[key] except KeyError: if == 'Path': continue elif key == 'IMPORTANT': continue else: raise if self.layout_dict['{0}_idx'.format(layout_name)] % self.layout_dict['{0}_max'.format(layout_name)] == 0: if self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)] is not None: self.layout_dict[layout_name].addWidget(Separator(typ='vertical', color='lightgrey')) self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)].addStretch(1) else: pass self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)] = QVBoxLayout() self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)].setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout_dict[layout_name].addLayout(self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)]) self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(layout_name)].addWidget(widget) self.layout_dict['{0}_idx'.format(layout_name)] += 1 for dict_name in ['Main', 'Advanced', 'Rare']: try: self.layout_dict['{0}_v'.format(dict_name)].addStretch(1) self.layout_dict[dict_name].addStretch(1) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def set_settings(self, settings): """ Set settings to the widgets Arguments: settings - Settings to set. Returns: None """ for key in settings: if key.endswith('_global'): continue try: content = self.content[key] except KeyError: try: # This block has been introduced for backwards compatibility changes. content = self.content[key.replace(' v', ' >=v')] except KeyError: if == 'Copy' and key.endswith('_entries'): continue else: #print('Content for {0} is disabled.'.format(key)) continue try: key_global = '{0}_global'.format(key) global_settings = settings[key_global] if key_global in settings else None content.set_settings(settings[key], global_settings) except KeyError: if == 'Copy' and key.endswith('_entries'): continue else: print( 'Setting changed: {0}!'.format(key), 'Please do provide new values' )
[docs] def enable(self, var, use_all): """ Disable or enable all widgets Arguments: var - If True, enable the widgets, else disable them use_all - If True, all widgets are enabled/disabled Returns: None """ for key in self.content: if use_all: self.content[key].setEnabled(var) else: self.content[key].setEnabled(var) if var: try: self.set_settings(self.get_settings(quiet=True)[0]) except TypeError: pass else: pass
[docs] def set_global(self, global_dict): self.global_dict = global_dict for key in self.content: try: self.content[key].edit.textChanged.connect(self.update_global) except AttributeError: self.content[key].edit.currentTextChanged.connect(self.update_global) self.emit_global()
[docs] @pyqtSlot(int) def emit_global(self, _=None): for key in self.content: try: self.content[key].edit.textChanged.emit(self.content[key].edit.text()) except AttributeError: self.content[key].edit.currentTextChanged.emit(self.content[key].edit.currentText())
[docs] @pyqtSlot(str, str) def set_new_model(self, weights, threshold): self.content['--weights'].edit.setText(weights) self.content['--confidence_threshold'].edit.setText(threshold)
[docs] @pyqtSlot(str) def update_global(self, text): if self.sender().parent().name not in self.global_dict: return for entry in self.global_dict[self.sender().parent().name]: is_movie_mode = None try: is_movie_mode = entry.parent.content['Use movies'].get_settings()['Use movies'] == 'True' except KeyError: pass if is_movie_mode is None: pass elif is_movie_mode and self.sender().parent().name == 'Pixel size bin': continue elif not is_movie_mode and self.sender().parent().name == 'Pixel size': continue entry.global_value = text try: if entry.widget_auto.isChecked(): try: entry.edit.setText(text) except AttributeError: entry.edit.setCurrentText(text) entry.widget_auto.toggled.emit(True) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def search_for_projects(self, project_dir): text = self.content['Software'].get_settings()['Software'] project_dir = os.path.realpath(project_dir) if text.startswith('EPU'): if not [entry for entry in os.listdir(project_dir) if entry.startswith('Images-Disc')]: tu.message('Could not find "Images-Disc" folder in the specified directory! Please check if you specified the correct project directory created by EPU or your EPU version is correct.') return mount_path = None for key in self.content_mount: if os.stat(self.content_mount[key]).st_size == 0: continue with open(self.content_mount[key], 'r') as read: current_mount_path = os.path.realpath(read.readline().split('\t')[2]) if project_dir.startswith(current_mount_path): mount_path = current_mount_path break if mount_path is None: tu.message('Could not identify related mounted mount point. Please provide the "Input project path for frames", "Input project path for jpg" and "Input frames extension" manually.') return matches = [] self.recursive_search(mount_path, os.path.basename(project_dir), matches) if len(matches) in (1, 2): pass elif not matches: tu.message('Could not find project {0} in specified mount directory {1}. Please provide the "Input project path for frames", "Input project path for jpg" and "Input frames extension" manually.'.format(project_dir, mount_path)) return else: tu.message('Found more than 2 folders with the name {0} in specified mount directory {1}. Please provide the "Input project path for frames", "Input project path for jpg" and "Input frames extension" manually.'.format(project_dir, mount_path)) return is_meta = [] is_frames = [] extension = [] possible_extensions = self.content['Input frames extension'].get_combo_entries() for entry in matches: files = glob.glob(os.path.join(entry, 'Images-Disc*', '*', 'Data', '*')) for file_name in files: if file_name.endswith('.jpg'): is_meta.append(entry) if 'ractions.' in file_name: is_frames.append(entry) extension.extend(list(filter( lambda x: file_name.endswith(x), possible_extensions ))) if len(set(is_meta)) != 1 or len(set(is_frames)) != 1: tu.message('Could not identify meta and frames folder, yet. Did the data collection already start? If not, try again afterwards :)') return self.content['Input project path for frames'].set_settings(is_frames[0], '[None, None]') self.content['Input project path for jpg'].set_settings(is_meta[0], '[None, None]') if len(set(extension)) != 1: tu.message('Input project path for frames:\n{0}\n\nInput project path for jpg:\n{1}\n\Input frames extension:\nFOUND SEVERAL - Please provide manually!'.format(is_frames[0], is_meta[0])) else: self.content['Input frames extension'].set_settings(extension[0], '[None, None]') tu.message('Input project path for frames:\n{0}\n\nInput project path for jpg:\n{1}\n\nInput frames extension:\n{2}'.format(is_frames[0], is_meta[0], extension[0])) elif text.startswith('Just Stack'): self.content['Input project path for frames'].set_settings(project_dir, '[None, None]') self.content['Input project path for jpg'].set_settings(project_dir, '[None, None]') self.content['Number of frames'].set_settings('-1', '[None, None]') possible_extensions = self.content['Input frames extension'].get_combo_entries() extension = [] for file_name in glob.iglob(os.path.join(project_dir, '*')): extension.extend(list(filter( lambda x: file_name.endswith(x), possible_extensions ))) if len(set(extension)) != 1: tu.message('Input project path for frames:\n{0}\n\nInput project path for jpg:\n{1}\n\nNumber of frames:\n-1\n\nInput frames extension:\nFOUND SEVERAL - Please provide manually!'.format(project_dir, project_dir)) else: self.content['Input frames extension'].set_settings(extension[0], '[None, None]') tu.message('Input project path for frames:\n{0}\n\nInput project path for jpg:\n{1}\n\nNumber of frames:\n-1\n\nInput frames extension:\n{2}'.format(project_dir, project_dir, extension[0])) else: tu.message('Automatic folder detection is currently only supported for the EPU software. Please provide the "Input project path for frames", "Input project path for jpg" and "Input frames extension" manually.')
from .settingswidget import SettingsWidget from .separator import Separator from .tabdocker import TabDocker