Source code for transphire.transphire_ctf

    TranSPHIRE is supposed to help with the cryo-EM data collection
    Copyright (C) 2017 Markus Stabrin

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import json
import glob
import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
import mrcfile as mrc
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.image as mi

from . import transphire_import as ti
from . import transphire_utils as tu

[docs]def get_ctf_command(file_sum, file_input, new_name, settings, queue_com, set_name, name): """ Create the ctf command based on the ctf software. file_input - Input name of the file for ctf estimation new_name - Output file settings - TranSPHIRE settings queue_com - Queue for communication name - Name of process Returns: CTF command File to check vor validation if the process was successful """ ctf_name = settings['Copy']['CTF'] command = None block_gpu = None gpu_list = None shell = None if 'CTFFIND4' in ctf_name: if tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '4.1.13'): command = create_ctffind_4_v4_1_13_command( ctf_name = ctf_name, file_sum=file_sum, file_input=file_input, file_output=new_name, set_name=set_name, settings=settings ) check_files = [] block_gpu = False gpu_list = [] shell = True elif tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '4.1.8'): command = create_ctffind_4_v4_1_8_command( ctf_name = ctf_name, file_sum=file_sum, file_input=file_input, file_output=new_name, set_name=set_name, settings=settings ) check_files = [] block_gpu = False gpu_list = [] shell = True elif 'Gctf' in ctf_name: if tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '1.06'): command, gpu = create_gctf_v1_06_command( ctf_name=ctf_name, file_sum=file_sum, file_input=file_input, file_output=new_name, settings=settings, name=name ) check_files = ['{0}'.format(new_name)] if tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '1.18'): block_gpu = True elif tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '1.06'): block_gpu = True else: assert False gpu_list = gpu.split() shell = False elif 'CTER' in ctf_name: if tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '1.3'): output_dir, _ = os.path.splitext(new_name) command = create_cter_1_3_command( ctf_name=ctf_name, file_sum=file_sum, file_input=file_input, output_dir=output_dir, settings=settings ) check_files = ['{0}/partres.txt'.format(output_dir)] block_gpu = False gpu_list = [] shell = True elif tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '1.0'): output_dir, _ = os.path.splitext(new_name) command = create_cter_1_0_command( ctf_name=ctf_name, file_sum=file_sum, file_input=file_input, output_dir=output_dir, settings=settings ) check_files = ['{0}/partres.txt'.format(output_dir)] block_gpu = False gpu_list = [] shell = False else: message = '\n'.join([ '{0}: Not known!'.format(settings['Copy']['CTF']), 'Please contact the TranSPHIRE authors!' ]) queue_com['error'].put( message, name ) IOError(message) assert command is not None, 'command not specified: {0}'.format(ctf_name) assert block_gpu is not None, 'block_gpu not specified: {0}'.format(ctf_name) assert gpu_list is not None, 'gpu_list not specified: {0}'.format(ctf_name) assert shell is not None, 'shell not specified: {0}'.format(ctf_name) return command, check_files, block_gpu, gpu_list, shell
[docs]def find_logfiles(root_path, file_name, settings, queue_com, name): """ Find logfiles related to the produced CTF files. root_path - Root path of the file file_name - File name of the ctf file. settings - TranSPHIRE settings queue_com - Queue for communication name - Name of process Returns: list of log files """ log_files = None copied_log_files = None ctf_root_path = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], file_name) ctf_name = settings['Copy']['CTF'] if 'CTFFIND4' in ctf_name: if tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '4.1.8'): copied_log_files = [] recursive_file_search(directory=ctf_root_path, files=copied_log_files) log_files = copied_log_files elif 'CTER' in ctf_name: if tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '1'): copied_log_files = [] recursive_file_search(directory=ctf_root_path, files=copied_log_files) log_files = copied_log_files elif 'Gctf' in ctf_name: if tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '1.06'): log_files = [] copied_log_files = [] exclude_list = [ '{0}.mrc'.format(root_path), '{0}_DW.mrc'.format(root_path), '{0}.log'.format(root_path), '{0}.err'.format(root_path), ] for log_file in glob.glob('{0}*'.format(root_path)): if log_file in exclude_list: continue else: pass new_file = os.path.join( settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], os.path.basename(log_file) ) log_files.append(log_file) copied_log_files.append(new_file) else: message = '\n'.join([ '{0}: Not known!'.format(settings['Copy']['CTF']), 'Please contact the TranSPHIRE authors!' ]) queue_com['error'].put( message, name ) raise IOError(message) assert log_files is not None assert copied_log_files is not None return log_files, copied_log_files
[docs]def create_gctf_v1_06_command( ctf_name, file_sum, file_input, file_output, settings, name ): """Create the Gctf v1.06 command""" ignore_list = [] ignore_list.append('Use movies') ignore_list.append('Phase plate') command = [] # Start the program command.append('{0}'.format(settings['Path'][ctf_name])) if settings[ctf_name]['Phase plate'] == 'False': ignore_list.append('--phase_shift_L') ignore_list.append('--phase_shift_H') ignore_list.append('--phase_shift_S') ignore_list.append('--phase_shift_T') ignore_list.append('--only_search_ps') ignore_list.append('--cosearch_refine_ps') else: pass if settings[ctf_name]['Use movies'] == 'False': ignore_list.append('--do_mdef_refine') ignore_list.append('--mdef_ave_type') ignore_list.append('--mdef_aveN') ignore_list.append('--mdef_fit') file_input = file_sum else: pass ignore_list.append('Split Gpu?') ignore_list.append('--gid') if settings[ctf_name]['Split Gpu?'] == 'True': try: gpu_id = int(name.split('_')[-1]) except ValueError: gpu_id = 0 try: gpu = settings[ctf_name]['--gid'].split()[gpu_id] except IndexError: raise UserWarning('There are less gpus provided than threads available! Please restart with the same number of pipeline processors as GPUs provided and restart! Stopping this thread!') else: gpu = settings[ctf_name]['--gid'] command.append('--gid') command.append('{0}'.format(gpu)) command.append('--ctfstar') command.append('{0}'.format(file_output)) for key in settings[ctf_name]: if key in ignore_list: continue elif settings[ctf_name][key]: command.append(key) command.append( '{0}'.format(settings[ctf_name][key]) ) else: continue command.append('{0}'.format(file_input)) return ' '.join(command), gpu
[docs]def create_cter_1_3_command( ctf_name, file_sum, file_input, output_dir, settings ): """Create the CTER v1.3 command""" try: shutil.rmtree(output_dir) except FileNotFoundError: pass command = [] command.append("PATH=$(dirname $(which {0})):${{PATH}}".format(settings['Path'][ctf_name])) # Start the program command.append('{0}'.format(settings['Path'][ctf_name])) command.append("'{0}*'".format(file_sum[:-1])) command.append(output_dir) command.append('--selection_list={0}'.format(file_sum)) ignore_list = [] ignore_list.append('Phase plate') if settings[ctf_name]['Phase plate'] == 'False': ignore_list.append('--defocus_min') ignore_list.append('--defocus_max') ignore_list.append('--defocus_step') ignore_list.append('--phase_min') ignore_list.append('--phase_max') ignore_list.append('--phase_step') else: command.append('--vpp') ignore_list.append('--pap') if settings[ctf_name]['--pap'] == 'True': command.append('--pap') else: pass for key in settings[ctf_name]: if key in ignore_list: continue elif settings[ctf_name][key]: command.append('{0}={1}'.format(key, settings[ctf_name][key])) else: continue # Prepare HDF command.append(';') command.append("PATH=$(dirname $(which {0})):${{PATH}}".format(settings['Path'][''])) command.append(settings['Path']['']) command.append(os.path.join(output_dir, 'power2d', '{0}_pws.hdf'.format(tu.get_name(file_sum)))) command.append(os.path.join(output_dir, 'power2d', '{0}_pws.mrc'.format(tu.get_name(file_sum)))) return ' '.join(command)
[docs]def create_cter_1_0_command( ctf_name, file_sum, file_input, output_dir, settings ): """Create the CTER v1.0 command""" try: shutil.rmtree(output_dir) except FileNotFoundError: pass command = [] # Start the program command.append('{0}'.format(settings['Path'][ctf_name])) command.append("{0}*".format(file_sum[:-1])) command.append(output_dir) command.append('--selection_list={0}'.format(file_sum)) ignore_list = [] ignore_list.append('Phase plate') if settings[ctf_name]['Phase plate'] == 'False': ignore_list.append('--defocus_min') ignore_list.append('--defocus_max') ignore_list.append('--defocus_step') ignore_list.append('--phase_min') ignore_list.append('--phase_max') ignore_list.append('--phase_step') else: command.append('--vpp') ignore_list.append('--pap') if settings[ctf_name]['--pap'] == 'True': command.append('--pap') else: pass for key in settings[ctf_name]: if key in ignore_list: continue elif settings[ctf_name][key]: command.append('{0}={1}'.format(key, settings[ctf_name][key])) else: continue return ' '.join(command)
[docs]def create_ctffind_4_v4_1_13_command(ctf_name, file_sum, file_input, file_output, set_name, settings): """Create the ctffind command""" ctf_settings = settings[ctf_name] ctffind_command = [] if ctf_settings['Use movies'] == 'True': pass else: file_input = file_sum # Input file ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(file_input)) # Is movie if ctf_settings['Use movies'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Combine frames'])) else: pass # Output file ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(file_output)) # Pixel size ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Pixel size'])) # Acceleration voltage ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Acceleration voltage'])) # Spherical abberation ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Spherical aberration'])) # Amplitude contrast ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Amplitude contrast'])) # Amplitude spectrum ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Amplitude spectrum'])) # Minimum resolution ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Min resolution(A)'])) # Maximum resolution ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Max resolution(A)'])) # Minimum defocus ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Min defocus(A)'])) # Maximum defocus ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Max defocus(A)'])) # Defocus step ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Step defocus(A)'])) # Do you know astigmatism if ctf_settings['Know astigmatism'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) # Slow or fast if ctf_settings['High accuracy'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) # Astigmatism ctf_settings if ctf_settings['Know astigmatism'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Astigmatism'])) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Astigmatism angle'])) else: if ctf_settings['Restrain astigmatism'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) ctffind_command.append( '{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Expected astigmatism']) ) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) # Phase shift if ctf_settings['Phase shift'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Min phase(rad)'])) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Max phase(rad)'])) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Step phase(rad)'])) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) # Expert ctf_settings ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) # Resmaple micrograph if ctf_settings['Resample micrographs'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) # Movie input ctf_settings if ctf_settings['Use movies'] == 'True': # Gain correction if ctf_settings['Movie is gain-corrected?'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) external_log, key = ctf_settings['Gain file'].split('|||') with open(settings[external_log], 'r') as read: log_data = json.load(read) gain_file = log_data[set_name][ctf_name][key]['new_file'] ctffind_command.append(gain_file) # Correct for magnifying distortions if ctf_settings['Correct mag. distort.'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) ctffind_command.append( '{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Mag. dist. angle']) ) ctffind_command.append( '{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Mag. dist. major scale']) ) ctffind_command.append( '{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Mag. dist. minor scale']) ) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) else: pass ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(1)) command = 'echo "{0}" | {1}'.format( '\n'.join(ctffind_command), settings['Path'][ctf_name] ) return command
[docs]def create_ctffind_4_v4_1_8_command(ctf_name, file_sum, file_input, file_output, set_name, settings): """Create the ctffind command""" ctf_settings = settings[ctf_name] ctffind_command = [] if ctf_settings['Use movies'] == 'True': pass else: file_input = file_sum # Input file ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(file_input)) # Is movie if ctf_settings['Use movies'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Combine frames'])) else: pass # Output file ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(file_output)) # Pixel size ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Pixel size'])) # Acceleration voltage ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Acceleration voltage'])) # Spherical abberation ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Spherical aberration'])) # Amplitude contrast ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Amplitude contrast'])) # Amplitude spectrum ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Amplitude spectrum'])) # Minimum resolution ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Min resolution(A)'])) # Maximum resolution ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Max resolution(A)'])) # Minimum defocus ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Min defocus(A)'])) # Maximum defocus ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Max defocus(A)'])) # Defocus step ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Step defocus(A)'])) # Do you know astigmatism if ctf_settings['Know astigmatism'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) # Slow or fast if ctf_settings['High accuracy'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) # Astigmatism ctf_settings if ctf_settings['Know astigmatism'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Astigmatism'])) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Astigmatism angle'])) else: if ctf_settings['Restrain astigmatism'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) ctffind_command.append( '{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Expected astigmatism']) ) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) # Phase shift if ctf_settings['Phase shift'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Min phase(rad)'])) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Max phase(rad)'])) ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Step phase(rad)'])) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) # Expert ctf_settings ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) # Resmaple micrograph if ctf_settings['Resample micrographs'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) # Movie input ctf_settings if ctf_settings['Use movies'] == 'True': # Gain correction if ctf_settings['Movie is gain-corrected?'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) external_log, key = ctf_settings['Gain file'].split('|||') with open(settings[external_log], 'r') as read: log_data = json.load(read) gain_file = log_data[set_name][ctf_name][key]['new_file'] ctffind_command.append(gain_file) # Correct for magnifying distortions if ctf_settings['Correct mag. distort.'] == 'True': ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('yes')) ctffind_command.append( '{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Mag. dist. angle']) ) ctffind_command.append( '{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Mag. dist. major scale']) ) ctffind_command.append( '{0}'.format(ctf_settings['Mag. dist. minor scale']) ) else: ctffind_command.append('{0}'.format('no')) else: pass command = 'echo "{0}" | {1}'.format( '\n'.join(ctffind_command), settings['Path'][ctf_name] ) return command
[docs]def combine_ctf_outputs( data, data_orig, root_path, file_name, settings, queue_com, shared_dict, name, sum_file, dw_file, ): """ Combine the ctf outputs to one SPHIRE partres and one RELION star file. root_path - Root path of the file file_name - File name of the ctf file. settings - TranSPHIRE settings queue_com - Queue for communication name - Name of process sum_file - Name of the dose uncorrected sum file Returns: None """ ctf_name = settings['Copy']['CTF'] ctf_settings = settings[ctf_name] ctf_folder = settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'] project_folder = '{0}/'.format(settings['project_folder'].rstrip('/')) project_base = '{0}/'.format(settings['project_base'].rstrip('/')) try: if ctf_settings['Use movies'] == 'True': motion_name = settings['Copy']['Motion'] pixel_size_adjust = float(settings[motion_name]['-FtBin']) else: pixel_size_adjust = 1 except KeyError: pixel_size_adjust = 1 if ctf_name.lower().startswith('cter'): data_star = data else: data_star = data_orig lines = to_star_file( data=np.copy(data_star), ctf_name=ctf_name, ctf_settings=ctf_settings, project_folder=project_base, ctf_folder=ctf_folder, sum_file=sum_file, dw_file=dw_file, pixel_size_adjust=pixel_size_adjust, ) output_name_star = os.path.join( ctf_folder, '{0}'.format(os.path.basename(sum_file)) ) with open(output_name_star, 'w') as write: write.write(lines) lines = to_partres_file( data=np.copy(data_orig), ctf_name=ctf_name, ctf_settings=ctf_settings, project_folder=project_base, ctf_folder=ctf_folder, sum_file=sum_file, pixel_size_adjust=pixel_size_adjust, ) output_name_partres = os.path.join( ctf_folder, '{0}_transphire_ctf_partres.txt'.format(os.path.basename(sum_file)) ) with open(output_name_partres, 'w') as write: write.write(lines) output_name_partres_combined = os.path.join( project_folder, '{0}_transphire_ctf_partres.txt'.format(ctf_name.replace(' ', '_').replace('>=', '')) ) output_name_star_combined = os.path.join( project_folder, '{0}'.format(ctf_name.replace(' ', '_').replace('>=', '')) ) return output_name_partres_combined, output_name_star_combined, output_name_partres, output_name_star
[docs]def to_star_file(data, ctf_name, ctf_settings, project_folder, ctf_folder, sum_file, dw_file, pixel_size_adjust): """ Create a CTF star file from data data - Array containing ctf information. ctf_name - Name of the ctf program. ctf_settings - Settings for this ctf estimation run. project_folder - Name of the project folder. ctf_folder - Name of the ctf output folder. sum_file - Name of the sum file Returns: None """ export_dtype = data.dtype.descr extension_dtype = [ ('_rlnCtfImage', '|U1200'), ('_rlnVoltage', '<f8'), ('_rlnSphericalAberration', '<f8'), ('_rlnAmplitudeContrast', '<f8'), ('_rlnMagnification', '<f8'), ('_rlnDetectorPixelSize', '<f8'), ] export_dtype.extend(extension_dtype) if dw_file == 'None': pass else: export_dtype.extend([('_rlnMicrographNameNoDW', '|U1200')]) export_data = np.atleast_1d(np.empty(data.shape[0], dtype=export_dtype)) header = get_relion_header(names=export_data.dtype.names) for idx, row in enumerate(data): for name in row.dtype.names: if name == 'file_name': if dw_file == 'None': export_data[idx]['file_name'] = sum_file.replace(project_folder, '') else: export_data[idx]['_rlnMicrographNameNoDW'] = sum_file.replace(project_folder, '') export_data[idx]['file_name'] = dw_file.replace(project_folder, '') continue elif name == 'defocus': value = (-1 * row['defocus_diff'] + 2 * row['defocus']) / 2 elif name == 'defocus_diff': value = 2 * row['defocus'] - export_data[idx]['defocus'] else: value = row[name] export_data[idx][name] = value for key, _ in extension_dtype: value = get_constant_value(key, ctf_settings, row, project_folder, ctf_name, ctf_folder, pixel_size_adjust) export_data[idx][key] = value lines = [header] maximum_string = { '_rlnCtfImage': len(max(export_data['_rlnCtfImage'], key=len)), 'file_name': len(max(export_data['file_name'], key=len)) } if dw_file == 'None': pass else: maximum_string['_rlnMicrographNameNoDW'] = len(max(export_data['_rlnMicrographNameNoDW'], key=len)) create_export_data( export_data=export_data, lines=lines, maximum_string=maximum_string ) return ''.join(lines)
[docs]def create_export_data(export_data, lines, maximum_string): """ Write export data to file. export_data - Data to export. file_name - Name of the file to write to. Returns: In place modificaion of lines """ for row in export_data: row_string = [] for name in export_data.dtype.names: if name == 'mic_number': continue elif name == 'image': continue else: pass value = row[name] if isinstance(value, int): row_string.append('{0: 7d}'.format(value)) elif isinstance(value, float): row_string.append('{0: 14f}'.format(value)) else: length = maximum_string[name] row_string.append('{0:{1}s}'.format(value, length)) lines.append('{0}\n'.format(' '.join(row_string)))
[docs]def to_partres_file(data, ctf_name, ctf_settings, project_folder, ctf_folder, sum_file, pixel_size_adjust): """ Create a CTF partres file from data data - Array containing ctf information. ctf_name - Name of the ctf program. ctf_settings - Settings for this ctf estimation run. project_folder - Name of the project folder. ctf_folder - Name of the ctf output folder. sum_file - Name of the summed micrograph image Returns: None """ dtype_import_dict_name = tu.find_latest_version('CTER', ti.get_dtype_import_dict()) export_dtype = ti.get_dtype_import_dict()[dtype_import_dict_name] export_data = np.atleast_1d(np.empty(data.shape[0], dtype=export_dtype)) constant_settings = set([ 'cs', 'volt', 'apix', 'const_amplitude_contrast', ]) for idx, row in enumerate(data): for name in export_data.dtype.names: try: value = row[name] except ValueError: # Is not a CTER partres name assert name != 'phase_shift' assert name != 'file_name' if name in constant_settings: value = get_constant_value(name, ctf_settings, row, project_folder, ctf_name, ctf_folder, pixel_size_adjust) if name == 'const_amplitude_contrast': value *= 100 else: pass elif name == 'reserved_spot': value = row['cross_corr'] elif name == 'defocus': value = (row['defocus_1'] + row['defocus_2']) / 20000 elif name == 'astigmatism_amplitude': value = (-row['defocus_1'] + row['defocus_2']) / 10000 elif name == 'astigmatism_angle': value = 45 - row['astigmatism'] elif name == 'limit_defocus_and_astigmatism': if row['limit'] == 0: value = -1 else: value = 1 / row['limit'] elif name == 'limit_pixel_error': value = 1 / (get_constant_value('apix', ctf_settings, row, project_folder, ctf_name, ctf_folder, pixel_size_adjust) * 2) elif name == 'amplitude_contrast': contrast = get_constant_value('const_amplitude_contrast', ctf_settings, row, project_folder, ctf_name, ctf_folder, pixel_size_adjust) * 100 contrast = contrast_to_shift(contrast) phase_shift = row['phase_shift'] value = shift_to_contrast(contrast + phase_shift) else: value = 0 else: # Is a CTER partres name if name == 'file_name': value = '{0}.mrc'.format(tu.get_name(sum_file)) else: pass export_data[idx][name] = value lines = [] maximum_string = { 'file_name': len(max(export_data['file_name'], key=len)) } create_export_data( export_data=export_data, lines=lines, maximum_string=maximum_string ) return ''.join(lines)
[docs]def get_relion_header(names): """ Create a relion star file header. names - Header names as list Returns: header string """ header = [] header.append('') header.append('data_') header.append('') header.append('loop_') transphire_dict = ti.get_transphire_dict() index = 0 for name in names: try: new_name = transphire_dict[name] except KeyError: if name == 'mic_number': continue elif name == 'image': continue else: new_name = name header.append('{0} #{1}'.format(new_name, index+1)) index += 1 return '{0}\n'.format('\n'.join(header))
[docs]def get_constant_value(key, ctf_settings, row, project_folder, ctf_name, ctf_folder, pixel_size_adjust): if key == '_rlnCtfImage': _, extension = os.path.splitext(row['file_name']) if ctf_name.lower().startswith('gctf'): file_name = row['file_name'].replace( extension, '.ctf:mrc' ) file_name = os.path.join(ctf_folder, os.path.basename(file_name)) elif ctf_name.lower().startswith('ctffind'): file_name = row['file_name'].replace( extension, '.mrc:mrc' ) file_name = os.path.join(ctf_folder, os.path.basename(file_name)) elif ctf_name.lower().startswith('cter'): file_name = 'not_available_with_cter_option' else: raise IOError('Cannot find ctf_name! {0}'.format( ctf_name )) value = file_name.replace(project_folder, '') elif key == '_rlnVoltage' or key == 'volt': if '--kV' in ctf_settings: value = ctf_settings['--kV'] elif 'Acceleration voltage' in ctf_settings: value = ctf_settings['Acceleration voltage'] elif '--voltage' in ctf_settings: value = ctf_settings['--voltage'] else: raise IOError('Cannot find voltage key! {0}'.format( ctf_name )) value = float(value) elif key == '_rlnSphericalAberration' or key == 'cs': if 'Spherical aberration' in ctf_settings: value = ctf_settings['Spherical aberration'] elif '--cs' in ctf_settings: value = ctf_settings['--cs'] elif '--Cs' in ctf_settings: value = ctf_settings['--Cs'] else: raise IOError('Cannot find cs key! {0}'.format( ctf_name )) value = float(value) elif key == '_rlnAmplitudeContrast' or key == 'const_amplitude_contrast': if '--ac' in ctf_settings: value = ctf_settings['--ac'] value = float(value) if value > 1: value /= 100 else: pass elif 'Amplitude contrast' in ctf_settings: value = ctf_settings['Amplitude contrast'] else: raise IOError('Cannot find ac key! {0}'.format( ctf_name )) value = float(value) elif key == '_rlnMagnification': value = 10000.0 value = float(value) elif key == '_rlnDetectorPixelSize' or key == 'apix': if 'Pixel size' in ctf_settings: value = ctf_settings['Pixel size'] elif '--apix' in ctf_settings: value = ctf_settings['--apix'] else: raise IOError('Cannot find apix key! {0}'.format( ctf_name )) value = float(value) * pixel_size_adjust else: raise IOError('Dont know {0}'.format( key )) return value
[docs]def contrast_to_shift(a_cont): """ Transform amplitude contrast to phase shift. a_cont - Amplitude contrast value in percent Returns: Phase shift in degrees. """ a_cont = float(a_cont) if a_cont == 100.0: value = 90.0 elif a_cont == -100.0: value = 90.0 elif a_cont < 0.0: value = np.degrees(np.arctan(a_cont / np.sqrt(1.0e4 - a_cont**2))) + 180.0 else: value = np.degrees(np.arctan(a_cont / np.sqrt(1.0e4 - a_cont**2))) return value
[docs]def shift_to_contrast(phase_shift): """ Convert phase shift to amplitud contrast. phase_shift - Phase shift in degrees. Returns: Amplitude contrast in percent. """ return np.tan(np.radians(phase_shift)) / \ np.sqrt(1.0 + np.tan(np.radians(phase_shift))**2) * 100.0
@tu.rerun_function_in_case_of_error def create_jpg_file(input_mrc_file, settings, ctf_name): file_name = tu.get_name(input_mrc_file) input_ctf_file = None input_1d_file = None if 'CTFFIND4' in ctf_name: input_ctf_file = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], '{0}.mrc'.format(file_name)) input_1d_file = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], '{0}_avrot.txt'.format(file_name)) elif 'Gctf' in ctf_name: input_ctf_file = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], '{0}.ctf'.format(file_name)) input_1d_file = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], '{0}_EPA.log'.format(file_name)) elif 'CTER' in ctf_name: if tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '1.3'): input_ctf_file = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], file_name, 'power2d', '{0}_pws.mrc'.format(file_name)) input_1d_file = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], file_name, 'pwrot', '{0}_rotinf.txt'.format(file_name)) elif tu.is_higher_version(ctf_name, '1.0'): input_1d_file = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], file_name, 'pwrot', '{0}_rotinf.txt'.format(file_name)) try: if not os.path.exists(input_ctf_file): input_ctf_file = None except TypeError: input_ctf_file = None try: if not os.path.exists(input_1d_file): input_1d_file = None except TypeError: input_1d_file = None tu.mkdir_p(os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], 'jpg')) tu.mkdir_p(os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], 'jpg_2')) tu.mkdir_p(os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], 'json')) jpg_file_1 = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], 'jpg', '{0}.jpg'.format(file_name)) jpg_file_2 = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], 'jpg_2', '{0}.jpg'.format(file_name)) json_file = os.path.join(settings['ctf_folder_feedback_0'], 'json', '{0}.json'.format(file_name)) arr_1 = None arr_2 = None arr_3 = None if input_mrc_file and os.path.splitext(input_mrc_file)[1] in ('.mrc', '.mrcs'): try: with as mrc_file: input_data = except ValueError: with, 'r+', permissive=True) as mrc_file: = mrc.constants.MAP_ID with as mrc_file: input_data = if len(input_data.shape) == 3: input_data = np.sum(input_data, axis=0) / input_data.shape[0] input_data = input_data - np.mean(input_data) input_data = tu.normalize_image(input_data) if input_data.shape[0] > 512: idx = 1 while True: if np.max(input_data.shape) < idx * 4096: break idx += 1 original_shape = idx * 4096 bin_shape = 512 ratio = original_shape / bin_shape pad_x = original_shape - input_data.shape[0] pad_y = original_shape - input_data.shape[1] shape = (bin_shape, bin_shape) input_data = np.pad(input_data, ((0, pad_x), (0, pad_y)), mode='median') shape = (bin_shape, bin_shape) output_data = tu.rebin(input_data, shape)[:-int(1+pad_x//ratio), :-int(1+pad_y//ratio)] else: output_data = input_data arr_1 = output_data if input_ctf_file: try: with as mrc_file: input_data = except ValueError: with, 'r+', permissive=True) as mrc_file: = mrc.constants.MAP_ID with as mrc_file: input_data = if len(input_data.shape) == 3: input_data = np.sum(input_data, axis=0) / input_data.shape[0] input_data = input_data - np.mean(input_data) if input_data.shape[0] > 512*2: shape = (512*2, 512*2) output_data = tu.rebin(input_data, shape) else: output_data = input_data arr_2 = output_data if input_1d_file: plot_data = [] if 'CTFFIND4' in ctf_name: data = np.genfromtxt(input_1d_file) x_data = data[0] plot_data.append([data[1], 'CTF_no_astig']) plot_data.append([data[2], 'CTF']) plot_data.append([data[3], 'CTF_fit']) plot_data.append([data[4], 'CCC']) plot_data.append([data[5], '2sigma']) elif 'Gctf' in ctf_name: data = np.genfromtxt(input_1d_file, skip_header=1) x_data = 1/data[:,0] plot_data.append([data[:,1], 'CTF']) plot_data.append([data[:,3], 'EPA_BG']) plot_data.append([data[:,4], 'CCC']) elif 'CTER' in ctf_name: data = np.genfromtxt(input_1d_file) x_data = data[:,1] plot_data.append([data[:,2], 'CTF_no_astig']) plot_data.append([data[:,3], 'CTF_no_astig_fit']) plot_data.append([data[:,4], 'CTF']) plot_data.append([data[:,5], 'CTF_fit']) arr_3 = plot_data if arr_1 is not None: mi.imsave(jpg_file_1, arr_1, cmap='gist_gray') if arr_2 is not None: mi.imsave(jpg_file_2, arr_2, cmap='gist_gray') if arr_3 is not None: json_dict = { 'label_x': 'Spacial frequency 1/px', 'label_y': 'CTF', 'is_equal': False, 'data': [] } for idx, (y_values, label) in enumerate(arr_3): json_dict['data'].append({ 'values_x': x_data.tolist(), 'values_y': y_values.tolist(), 'is_high_res': False, 'label_plot': label, 'marker': '-', 'color':'viridis')(idx / (len(arr_3) - 1)), }) with open(json_file, 'w') as write: json.dump(json_dict, write, indent=1)