Source code for transphire.plotcontainer

    TranSPHIRE is supposed to help with the cryo-EM data collection
    Copyright (C) 2017 Markus Stabrin

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, Qt, QEvent
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QDockWidget, QTabWidget, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QStyle, QPushButton

[docs]class TwinContainer(QWidget): def __init__(self, dock_widget, *args, parent=None, **kwargs): super(TwinContainer, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.layouts = {} self.dock_widget = dock_widget
[docs] def add_to_layout(self, name, widget): if name not in self.layouts: keys = sorted(list(self.layouts) + [name]) idx = keys.index(name) self.layouts[name] = QHBoxLayout() self.layout.insertLayout(idx, self.layouts[name]) self.layouts[name].addWidget(widget) widget.mpl_canvas.sig_twin.connect(self.mouse_twin_event)
[docs] @pyqtSlot(object) def mouse_twin_event(self, event): if event.button == 1: self.parent.select_tab(self.sender()) elif event.button == 3: plot_widget = self.sender().my_parent plot_widget.trim_widget.sig_set_state.emit(True)
[docs] def handle_show(self, name, widget, state): widget.setVisible(state) if state: self.layouts[name].addWidget(widget) else: self.layouts[name].removeWidget(widget)
[docs]class PlotContainer(QMainWindow): """ Qwidget in combination with a FigureCanvas. Inherits: QMainWindow """ def __init__(self, name, content, plot_labels, plot_name, plot_worker, plot_type, layout, *args, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Initialisation of the PlotContainer widget. content - Content for the plotcontainer plot_lables - Labels of the plot widget plot_name - Name of the associated software parent - Parent widget (default None) Returns: None """ super(PlotContainer, self).__init__(parent) self.parent_layout = layout self.parent = parent self.setCentralWidget(None) self.setTabPosition(Qt.TopDockWidgetArea, QTabWidget.North) self.plot_name = plot_name = name self.worker = plot_worker self.content = [] self.dock_widgets = [] if == 'Overview': plot_labels = [[content]] for label in plot_labels: label = label[0] if label == 'mic_number': continue elif label == 'file_name': continue elif label == 'image' and content != 'image': continue elif label != 'image' and content == 'image': continue elif label == 'object': continue else: pass dock_widget = QDockWidget(label, self) custom_title = QWidget(dock_widget) layout_custom_title = QHBoxLayout(custom_title) layout_custom_title.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout_custom_title.addWidget(QLabel('{} - {}'.format(self.plot_name, label), dock_widget)) layout_custom_title.addStretch(1) button = QPushButton(dock_widget) button.my_docker = dock_widget button.setStyleSheet('color: rgba(0, 0, 0 ,0); background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') icon = button.setIcon(icon) button.clicked.connect(self.set_floating) layout_custom_title.addWidget(button) dock_widget.setTitleBarWidget(custom_title) if label == 'overview': widget = TwinContainer(dock_widget=dock_widget, parent=self) else: if label == 'image': twin_container = None else: twin_container = self.parent.content[layout].widget(0).content[0] widget = PlotWidget(label=label, plot_typ=content, dock_widget=dock_widget, twin_container=twin_container, parent=self) self.content.append(widget) dock_widget.setWidget(widget) dock_widget.installEventFilter(self) dock_widget.setFeatures(QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable | QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable) self.dock_widgets.append(dock_widget) self.addDockWidget(Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, dock_widget, Qt.Horizontal) for idx in range(1, len(self.dock_widgets)): self.tabifyDockWidget(self.dock_widgets[0], self.dock_widgets[idx]) self.tabifiedDockWidgetActivated.connect(self.synchronize_tabs) self.parent.content[self.parent_layout].enable_tab(False) self._is_visible = False
[docs] @pyqtSlot() def reset_plot(self): for entry in self.content: entry.do_data_reset()
[docs] @pyqtSlot() def set_floating(self): self.sender().my_docker.setFloating(not self.sender().my_docker.isFloating())
[docs] @pyqtSlot(str, str, object, str, object) def update_figure(self, name, name_no_feedback, data, directory_name, settings): """ Update the figure in the canvas name - Name of the program that called this function. data - Data to plot. directory_name - Directory to save plots to. settings - TranSPHIRE settings Returns: None """ if self.plot_name == name: for entry in self.content: entry.set_settings( name=name, name_no_feedback=name_no_feedback, data=data, directory_name=directory_name, settings=settings )
[docs] def eventFilter(self, source, event): """ Override the QMainWindow eventFilter function. source - Source that led to the event trigger event - Emitted event Returns: True, if it has been a close event -> Redock widget Event, if it is another event """ if event.type() == QEvent.Close and isinstance(source, QDockWidget): event.ignore() source.setFloating(False) return True else: return super(PlotContainer, self).eventFilter(source, event)
[docs] def enable(self, var, use_all): """ Enable or disable the widgets. var - It True, enable widgets, else disable use_all - If True, enable/disable all widgets, else only a subset Returns: None """ for entry in self.content: if use_all: entry.setEnabled(var) else: pass
[docs] def activate_tab(self, name): """ Activate the tab with the name: name. Arguments: name - Name of the activation Returns: None """ for widget in self.dock_widgets: if widget.windowTitle() == name: widget.raise_() break
[docs] @pyqtSlot(bool, str) def set_visibility(self, visible, name): if name == self.plot_name: if self._is_visible != visible: self.parent.content[self.parent_layout].enable_tab(visible) if visible: for widget in self.content: widget.start_plotting() self._is_visible = visible
[docs] @pyqtSlot(object) def select_tab(self, widget): aim_docker = self.parent.content[self.parent_layout] cur_docker = aim_docker for _ in range(3): tmp_docker = self.parent.content[cur_docker.layout] tmp_docker.setCurrentWidget(cur_docker) cur_docker = tmp_docker docker_to_activate = None for idx in range(aim_docker.count()): aim_container = aim_docker.widget(idx) for entry in aim_container.dock_widgets: if entry.widget() == widget.my_parent: docker_to_activate = entry break else: continue break assert docker_to_activate is not None, (entry, widget, widget.my_parent) self.synchronize_tabs(docker_to_activate) aim_docker.setCurrentIndex(idx)
[docs] @pyqtSlot(QDockWidget) def synchronize_tabs(self, widget): compare_name = widget.windowTitle() aim_docker = self.parent.content[self.parent_layout] aim_indices = [] for idx in range(aim_docker.count()): tab_text = aim_docker.tabText(idx) if == 'Overview': if tab_text == 'Plot histogram': aim_indices.append(idx) continue elif tab_text == 'Plot per micrograph': aim_indices.append(idx) continue elif == 'Plot per micrograph': if tab_text == 'Plot histogram': aim_indices.append(idx) break elif == 'Plot histogram': if tab_text == 'Plot per micrograph': aim_indices.append(idx) break else: pass assert aim_indices is not None for aim_idx in aim_indices: aim_container = aim_docker.widget(aim_idx) aim_container.activate_tab(compare_name)
from .plotwidget import PlotWidget