Source code for transphire.mountcalculator

    TranSPHIRE is supposed to help with the cryo-EM data collection
    Copyright (C) 2017 Markus Stabrin

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import shutil
import os
import pexpect as pe
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal

[docs]class MountCalculator(QObject): """ MountCalculator object. Inherits from: QObject Buttons: None Signals: sig_finished - Signal emitted, if process finished (str, str, str) """ sig_finished = pyqtSignal(str, str, str) def __init__(self, name, parent=None): """ Initialize object variables. Arguments: name - Name of the mount point parent - Parent widget (default None) Return: None """ super(MountCalculator, self).__init__(parent) = name self.ssh_dict = None self.quota_command_dict = None self.password_dict = None self.kill_thread = False self.running = False
[docs] @pyqtSlot(str, str) def calculate_df_quota(self, key, mount_folder): """ Calculate the quota with the help of the df command. Arguments: key - Mount point key mount_folder - Mount folder Return: None """ if key.startswith('HDD') and len(key) == 5: old_key = key key = key[:-2] else: old_key = key key = key if key !=' ', '_'): return None else: pass if old_key.startswith('HDD') and len(old_key) == 5: key = old_key else: pass self.running = True try: total_quota = shutil.disk_usage(mount_folder).total / 1e12 used_quota = shutil.disk_usage(mount_folder).used / 1e12 except FileNotFoundError: self.sig_finished.emit( 'Needs remount', key, 'red' ) else: if total_quota == used_quota and total_quota == 0: self.sig_finished.emit( 'Needs remount', key, 'red' ) else: self.sig_finished.emit( '{0:.1f}TB / {1:.1f}TB'.format(used_quota, total_quota), key, 'lightgreen' ) self.running = False
[docs] @pyqtSlot(str, str, str, str, object, object, object) def calculate_ssh_quota( self, user, folder, device, mount_folder, ssh_dict, quota_command_dict, password_dict ): """ Calculate the quota via ssh. Arguments: mount_folder - Mount folder user - Username folder - Folder to mount device - Device name ssh_dict - ssh_dict containing ssh information quota_command_dict - Dictionary containing the quota commands password_dict - Dictionary containing passwords Return: None """ if device !=' ', '_'): return None else: pass self.running = True self.ssh_dict = ssh_dict self.quota_command_dict = quota_command_dict self.password_dict = password_dict try: used_quota, total_quota = self.get_ssh_quota( user=user, folder=folder, device=device ) except KeyError: total_quota = shutil.disk_usage(mount_folder).total / 1e12 used_quota = shutil.disk_usage(mount_folder).used / 1e12 except pe.exceptions.TIMEOUT: total_quota = shutil.disk_usage(mount_folder).total / 1e12 used_quota = shutil.disk_usage(mount_folder).used / 1e12 self.sig_finished.emit( '{0:.1f}TB / {1:.1f}TB'.format(used_quota, total_quota), device, 'lightgreen' ) self.running = False
[docs] @pyqtSlot(str, str, str) def calculate_get_quota(self, key, quota, mount_folder): """ Calculate the quota by calculating the size of every file. Arguments: key - Mount point key mount_folder - Mount folder quota - User provided maximum quota Return: None """ if key !=' ', '_'): return None else: pass self.running = True total_quota = float(quota) try: used_quota = self.get_folder_size(mount_folder, 0) / 1024 ** 4 except PermissionError: self.sig_finished.emit( 'DENIED', key, 'red' ) except FileNotFoundError: print(mount_folder, 'Directory changed during quota estimation! Wait for next run!') self.sig_finished.emit( 'CHANGED', key, 'red' ) except OSError: print(mount_folder, 'Please remount!') self.sig_finished.emit( 'Needs remount', key, 'red' ) else: self.sig_finished.emit( '{0:.1f}TB / {1:.1f}TB'.format(used_quota, total_quota), key, 'lightgreen' ) self.running = False
[docs] def get_ssh_quota(self, user, folder, device): """ Get the quota via ssh command. Arguments: user - User name folder - Mounted folder device - Device name Return: None """ command = 'ssh {0}@{1} {2}'.format( user, self.ssh_dict[device], self.quota_command_dict[device] ) child = pe.spawnu(command) try: idx = child.expect( [ "{0}@{1}'s password:".format(user, self.ssh_dict[device]), 'RSA.*' ], timeout=4 ) except pe.exceptions.TIMEOUT: print('SSH quota command failed! Mount point might be unavailable.') raise except pe.exceptions.EOF: print('SSH quota command failed! Mount point might be unavailable.') raise if idx == 0: child.sendline(self.password_dict[device]) elif idx == 1: child.sendline('yes') child.expect([ "{0}@{1}'s password:".format(user, self.ssh_dict[device]), 'RSA.*' ]) child.sendline(self.password_dict[device]) else: print('SSH quota command failed!') raise pe.exceptions.TIMEOUT child.expect(pe.EOF) if self.quota_command_dict[device].startswith('quota'): used_quota, total_quota = self.get_quota_quota_command( text=child.before.split('\n'), folder=folder ) else: print('To get the quota via SSH failed, do not know how to handle {0}'.format( self.quota_command_dict[device] )) print('Command:\n{0}'.format(child.before)) print('Please write a wrapper for this case or write the content to the author of TranSPHIRE') raise pe.exceptions.TIMEOUT return used_quota, total_quota
[docs] @staticmethod def get_quota_quota_command(text, folder): """ Extract the quota from the quota command. Arguments: text - Text returned by quota command. folder - Mounted folder Return: None """ write_value = False value_line = None for line in text: if write_value: value_line = line write_value = False else: pass if '{0}/'.format(folder.split('/')[0]) in line: write_value = True else: pass if value_line is None: raise KeyError size_list = [] for value in value_line.split()[:2]: unit = value[-1] try: int(unit) except ValueError: size = value[:-1] if unit.startswith('M'): adjust = 1024**2 elif unit.startswith('G'): adjust = 1024 elif unit.startswith('T'): adjust = 1 elif unit.startswith('P'): adjust = 1/1024 else: print( unit, 'unit of quota command not known!' ) print( 'Please contact the author of TranSPHIRE to fix this issue' ) raise KeyError else: adjust = 1024**3 size = value size_list.append(float(size) / adjust) return size_list[0], size_list[1]
[docs] def get_folder_size(self, folder, size): """ Get the size of the folder recursively Arguments: folder - Folder to check contents size - Current caclulated size Return: Calculated size """ for entry in os.scandir(folder): if self.kill_thread: return size elif entry.is_dir(): size = self.get_folder_size(entry.path, size) else: size += entry.stat().st_size return size