Source code for transphire.loadwindow

    TranSPHIRE is supposed to help with the cryo-EM data collection
    Copyright (C) 2017 Markus Stabrin

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import os
import glob
import json
import copy
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QPushButton, QWidget, QComboBox, QLineEdit, QLabel, QHBoxLayout
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot

from . import transphire_utils as tu

[docs]class DefaultSettings(QDialog): """ DefaultSettings dialog. Dialog used to enter default values. Inherits from: QDialog """ def __init__(self, apply, settings_directory, template_name, parent=None): """ Setup the layout for the widget. Arguments: apply - If True, the changes will be applied after saving. parent - Parent widget (default None) Return: None """ super(DefaultSettings, self).__init__(parent) self.settings_directory = settings_directory self.current_template = template_name # Add new tab widget for the settings to layout central_raw_layout = QVBoxLayout(self) central_raw_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) central_widget_raw = QWidget(self) central_widget_raw.setObjectName('central_raw') central_raw_layout.addWidget(central_widget_raw) central_layout = QVBoxLayout(central_widget_raw) central_widget = QWidget(self) central_widget.setObjectName('central') central_layout.addWidget(central_widget) layout = QVBoxLayout(central_widget) layout_h = QHBoxLayout() load_button = QPushButton('Load template', self) load_button.clicked.connect(self.load_template) self.template_name = QLabel('No template selected', self) layout_h.addWidget(load_button) layout_h.addWidget(self.template_name) layout.addLayout(layout_h) layout.addWidget(Separator(typ='horizontal', color='#68a3c3')) self.tab_widget = TabDocker(self) layout.addWidget(self.tab_widget) self.tab_widget.setObjectName('tab') self.tab_content = {} self.default_tabs = {} self.fill_default_dict() self.default_tabs['OLD'] = { 'sub_content': copy.deepcopy(self.default_tabs), 'content': [], } self.create_initial_tabs(self.default_tabs, self.tab_widget) # Variables self.apply = False self.overwrite = True # Add buttons done_button = QPushButton('Quit dialog and start TranSPHIRE.', self) layout.addWidget(Separator(typ='horizontal', color='#68a3c3')) layout.addWidget(done_button) done_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.check_modified_widgets(done=True)) if apply: done_button.setText('Quit dialog without applying changes.') layout.addWidget(Separator(typ='horizontal', color='#68a3c3')) apply_button = QPushButton('Quit dialog and apply changes.', self) apply_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.check_modified_widgets(done=False)) layout.addWidget(apply_button)
[docs] def fill_default_dict(self): """ Fill the default dict with the information from the function dict. Arguments: None - The self.default_dict is used Returns: None - The self.default_dict is changed in-place """ function_dict = tu.get_function_dict() for name_version, content in function_dict.items(): name = name_version.split(' >=')[0] typ = content['typ'] category = content['category'] if typ is None: self.default_tabs \ .setdefault(category, {}) \ .setdefault('content', []) \ .append(name) self.default_tabs[category]['sub_content'] = {} else: self.default_tabs \ .setdefault(category, {}) \ .setdefault('sub_content', {}) \ .setdefault(typ, {}) \ .setdefault('sub_content', {}) \ .setdefault(name, {}) \ .setdefault('content', []).append(name) self.default_tabs[category]['content'] = [] self.default_tabs[category]['sub_content'][typ]['content'] = [] self.default_tabs[category]['sub_content'][typ]['sub_content'][name]['sub_content'] = {}
[docs] def create_initial_tabs(self, tab_dict, parent_widget, is_old=False): for tab_name in tab_dict: if is_old: cur_tab_name = 'OLD {0}'.format(tab_name) tab_dict[tab_name]['content'] = ['OLD {0}'.format(entry) for entry in tab_dict[tab_name]['content']] else: cur_tab_name = tab_name if tab_name == 'OLD': is_old = True self.tab_content[cur_tab_name] = TabDocker(self) self.tab_content[cur_tab_name].setObjectName('tab') parent_widget.add_tab(self.tab_content[cur_tab_name], tab_name) self.create_initial_tabs(tab_dict[tab_name]['sub_content'], self.tab_content[cur_tab_name], is_old)
[docs] def is_in_content(self, tab_dict, name): for tab_name in tab_dict: for entry in tab_dict[tab_name]['content']: if name.split(' >=')[0] == entry: return tab_name if not name.startswith('OLD') else 'OLD {0}'.format(tab_name) found = self.is_in_content(tab_dict[tab_name]['sub_content'], name) if found: return found return False
[docs] def check_modified_widgets(self, done): """ Check, if a widget is modified before saving. Arguments: done - If True, close after input, else apply settings. Return: True if no modification, else False """ text_modified = False wrongly_mod_list = [] for tab_widget in self.tab_content.values(): for idx in range(tab_widget.count()): try: widgets = tab_widget.widget(idx).content except AttributeError: pass else: for widget_subtab in widgets: for info in widget_subtab.content: if tu.get_style(typ='changed') == info['widget'].styleSheet() or \ tu.get_style(typ='error') == info['widget'].styleSheet(): text_modified = True wrongly_mod_list.append(info) else: continue if text_modified: result = tu.question( head='Unsaved changes', text='You do have unsaved changes!\nDo you really want to continue?.\nThose changes will not be saved or applied.', ) else: result = True # Result is True if answer is Yes if not result: return False elif done is None: for info in wrongly_mod_list: if isinstance(info['widget'], QLineEdit): info['widget'].setText(info['settings']['values']) elif isinstance(info['widget'], QComboBox): idx = info['widget'].findText(info['settings']['values'][0]) info['widget'].setCurrentIndex(idx) else: raise Exception('Instance not known! Please contact the TranSPHIRE authors!') elif done: for info in wrongly_mod_list: if isinstance(info['widget'], QLineEdit): info['widget'].setText(info['settings']['values']) elif isinstance(info['widget'], QComboBox): idx = info['widget'].findText(info['settings']['values'][0]) info['widget'].setCurrentIndex(idx) else: raise Exception('Instance not known! Please contact the TranSPHIRE authors!') self.accept() else: for info in wrongly_mod_list: if isinstance(info['widget'], QLineEdit): info['widget'].setText(info['settings']['values']) elif isinstance(info['widget'], QComboBox): idx = info['widget'].findText(info['settings']['values'][0]) info['widget'].setCurrentIndex(idx) else: raise Exception('Instance not known! Please contact the TranSPHIRE authors!') self.accept_apply() return True
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """ Handle the close event. Arguments: event - Close event Return: None """ if self.check_modified_widgets(done=True): pass else: event.ignore()
[docs] def accept_apply(self): """ Set the apply settings variable to True before saving. Argumens: None Return: None """ self.apply = True self.accept()
[docs] def add_tab(self, widget, name): """ Add a new widget to the tab widget Arguments: widget - Widget to add as new tab Name - Name of the new tab Return: None """ inside_name = self.is_in_content(self.default_tabs, name) if not inside_name: raise OSError('Name {0} not known! Please fix before continuation'.format(name)) else: pass self.tab_content[inside_name].add_tab(widget, name.split('OLD ')[-1])
[docs] def recursive_clear(self, tab_widget): count = tab_widget.count() for idx in reversed(range(count)): widget = tab_widget.widget(idx) if isinstance(widget, TabDocker): self.recursive_clear(widget) else: tab_widget.removeTab(idx) widget.setParent(None) del widget
[docs] def clear_tabs(self): self.recursive_clear(self.tab_widget)
[docs] def get_apply(self): """ Getter for the self.apply variable. Arguments: None Return: Content of self.apply """ return self.apply
[docs] @pyqtSlot() def load_template(self): template_dialog = TemplateDialog(self.settings_directory) result = template_dialog.exec_() if result: if self.check_modified_widgets(done=None): self.current_template = template_dialog.template self.clear_tabs() self.add_tabs()
[docs] def add_tabs(self): template_folder = sorted([ os.path.basename(entry) for entry in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.settings_directory, '*')) if os.path.isdir(entry) ]) self.template_name.setText('Current template: {0}'.format(self.current_template)) content_temp = {} for template_name in template_folder: template_directory = os.path.join(self.settings_directory, template_name) setting_names = tu.get_function_dict().keys() content_temp[template_name] = {} for name in reversed(list(setting_names)): directory = template_directory is_shared = False for entry in self.default_tabs['TranSPHIRE settings']['content']: if entry in name: directory = os.path.join(self.settings_directory, 'SHARED') is_shared = True break default_file = '{0}/content_{1}.txt'.format(directory, name.replace(' ', '_')) if not os.path.isfile(default_file): default_file = '{0}/content_{1}.txt'.format(directory, name.replace(' ', '_').replace('>=', '')) assert name not in content_temp[template_name] content_temp[template_name][name] = LoadContentContainer( typ=name, template_name=template_name, templates=template_folder, settings_folder=self.settings_directory, is_shared=is_shared, default_file=default_file, ) try: with open(default_file, 'r') as file_r: settings = json.load(file_r) except FileNotFoundError: pass else: content_temp[template_name][name].set_settings(settings) if template_name == self.current_template: if tu.get_function_dict()[name]['old']: current_name = 'OLD {0}'.format(name) else: current_name = name self.add_tab(widget=content_temp[template_name][name], name=current_name) else: content_temp[template_name][name].setVisible(False) return content_temp
[docs] @staticmethod def get_content_default( edit_settings, apply, settings_folder, template_name, ): """ Staticmethod to open the default content dialog. Arguments: edit_settings - If True, open default settings dialog, else just return content apply - Apply settings after closing the default settings dialog settings_folder - Folder to store the default settings Return: Content for the widgets, Content of the apply variable """ # Initialise default settings setting_names = sorted(tu.get_function_dict().keys()) default_widget = DefaultSettings(apply=apply, settings_directory=settings_folder, template_name=template_name) templates = sorted([ os.path.basename(entry) for entry in glob.glob(os.path.join(settings_folder, '*')) if os.path.isdir(entry) ]) content_temp = default_widget.add_tabs() # Initialise a new LoadContentContainer and add it as a new tab # Load default settings from settings file into LoadContentContainer # If edit settings, open default settings dialog if edit_settings: result = default_widget.exec_() content_temp = default_widget.add_tabs() if result: apply = default_widget.get_apply() else: apply = None else: apply = None # Refresh content of LoadContentContainer by the provided default settings templates = sorted([ os.path.basename(entry) for entry in glob.glob(os.path.join(settings_folder, '*')) if os.path.isdir(entry) ]) content = {} for template in templates: content[template] = {} for name in setting_names: directory = os.path.join(settings_folder, template) for entry in default_widget.default_tabs['TranSPHIRE settings']['content']: if entry in name: directory = settings_folder break default_file = '{0}/content_{1}.txt'.format(directory, name.replace(' ', '_')) if not os.path.isfile(default_file): default_file = '{0}/content_{1}.txt'.format(directory, name.replace(' ', '_').replace('>=', '')) content[template][name] = content_temp[template][name].get_settings() if name == 'Mount': continue elif not os.path.exists(default_file): pass else: with open(default_file, 'r') as file_r: data = json.load(file_r) for entry in data: for dictionary in entry: for name_content in content[template][name]: for default_value in name_content: if default_value.keys() == dictionary.keys(): for key in default_value: default = dictionary[key][0] widget_2 = dictionary[key][1]['widget_2'] default_value[key][0] = default default_value[key][1]['widget_2'] = widget_2 break else: pass return content, apply
from .loadcontentcontainer import LoadContentContainer from .separator import Separator from .tabdocker import TabDocker from .templatedialog import TemplateDialog