TranSPHIRE outputs

TranSPHIRE output folder structure

The TranSPHIRE output directory looks like this

|-Project directory 1
|-Project directory N

TranSPHIRE output folders

Output folder Content

Folder that contains all TranSPHIRE projects.

This folder is provided within the TranSPHIRE GUI.

Project directory X

TranSPHIRE project directory. Every project is

created with the provided Project name.

Every path of the major output files is stored

relative to this directory. Therefore it is

recommended to use this folder as a project

directory for further processing so that

problems with for example particle polishing

can be avoided.

TranSPHIRE_results Folder containing the actual TranSPHIRE results.

Folder containing the incoming movies.

If the incoming movies are already tiff files

the files will remain in this folder.


Folder containing the meta data that comes with

the data. This includes xml, jpg, and

spot overview mrc files.


Folder containing the meta data that is created

by the data aquisition software, but is not

the meta data for an acquired image but present.

in the specified directory.


Folder containing the compressed movies.

If the incoming movies are already tiff files

or no compression is specified, the movies

remain in the 000_Import folder.

The COMPRESS_NAME depends on the specified

compression method.


Folder containing the results of motion


In addition to the outputs produced

by the chosen program, TranSPHIRE also creates files that can be used to run

particle polishing in RELION.

The MOTION_NAME depends on the specified

motion correction program and version.


Folder containing the results of the CTF estimation.

The CTF_NAME depends on the specified ctf

estimaion program and version.


Folder containing the results of the particle

picking job.

The PICKING_NAME depends on the specified

particle picking program and version.


Folder containing the results of particle


The EXTRACT_NAME depends on the specified

particle extraction program and version.


Folder containing the results of 2D


The 2D_CLASSIFICATION_NAME depends on the

specified 2d classification program and version.


Folder containing the results of 2D

class selection.

The 2D_CLASS_SELECTION_NAME depends on the

specified 2d class selection program and version.


Folder containing the results of 3D ab-initio

reconstructon and 3D refinement.

The 3D_NAME depends on the

specified 3D program and version.


Folder containing the results of the feedback loop.

Every feedback round has its own output folder

indicated by a _feedback_XX suffix. The XX

stands for the respective feedback iteration.

Results produced outside the feedback loop will be

stored in its respective folders outside the

000_Feedback_results folder.


Folder containing the results of the training of

the used picking model.

This folder is only present in the

000_Feedback_results folder.

The RETRAIN_NAME depends on the

specified retrain program and version.


Folder containing the error files of the

TranSPHIRE run.


Folder containing the log files of the

TranSPHIRE run. Log information like the current

feedback loop iteration, the current picking

threshold and last used file numbers are stored.


Folder containing the filtered images from crYOLO

before and after the feedback loop.


Folder containing the queue status of the

TranSPHIRE run. There are 3 queue files per job:

NAME, NAME_done, NAME_list.

The NAME file contains the information about

the to-be-processed files. The NAME_done file

contains the information of the already processed

files. The NAME_list file is only filled for

jobs that have an additional internal queue like

particle picking, particle extraction, and

2d classification. The content indicates that files

are ready to be processed but still wait for a

certain condition to be met. In case of particle

picking, the program waits for 30 seconds before

starting the actual picking run to reduce the

overhead of program initialisation. For particle

extraction, the program waits until all the results

of motion correction, particle picking, and ctf

estimation arrived. 2D classification and 3D

waits until a certain number of particles is

accumulated. Because multiple files depend on

a different number of input files, the provided

queue status can be larger than the number of

imported movies for the respective jobs.


Folder containing the obsolete files due to a



Folder containing the settings and files for the

current session.

Everytime the Start button is pressed, the provided

external files and the current setup of TranSPHIRE

is saved in a new session folder indicated by the

current date and time. Internally, the copied files

are used instead of the original ones.


Folder containing the tar files that are created

prior to copying when the Tar to work or

Tar to backup option is activated.


File containing the extracted meta data for each

movie in a star file format. Only the movies

that do not violate the range provided by the user

are stored in the Valid version.


File containing the extracted meta data for each

movie in a star file format. Only the movies

that do violate the range provided by the user

are stored in the Discarded version.


File containing the CTF estimation information in

the SPHIRE partres format. This file can be used to

skip CTF estimation in a real processing scenario.


File containing the CTF estimation information in

the RELION star file format. This file can be used to

skip CTF estimation in a real processing scenario.

{MOTION_NAME}_transphire_motion.txt File containing a list of valid micrograph entries.

File containing micrograph information like the name

and path of the DW and non DW summed image.


File containing micrograph information like the name

and path of the DW and non DW summed image.

Additionally, information to run particle polishing

is available. Provide this file to run as input for

particle polishing.